Unix Review
Unix Review was one of my favourite free magazines that I subscribed to. It had lots of good Unix/Linux info in the beginning, but lost its way and was renamed Performance Computing.
With the name change came increased coverage of Windows NT that was not well recieved by the readership. Eventually Performace Computing went out of print, became an e-zine, and restored its name to the original Unix Review.
Ok, that sucking sound you hear is DDJ consuming another magazine. As usual, use the WayBack Machine to get at the original content.
Articles of Interest
October 1996
- Putting STL To Work by Bruce Eckel.
- A Network-Design Algorithm by Jon Bentley.
November 1996
- Serving Up Mail: POP and IMAP by Steven Baker.
December 1996
- The Unified Modeling Language by Grady Booch.
- Managing System Files With RCS by Dinah McNutt.
- Putting STL To Work, Part II by Bruce Eckel.
- The Impossible Takes A Little Longer by Jon Bentley.
January 1997
- IIOP Specification: A Closer Look by Gabriel Minton.
February 1997
- Putting STL To Work, Part III by Bruce Eckel.
March 1997
- The Logical Volume Manager by Dinah McNutt.
- Background Work And XtTimers by Kevin Richard and Eric Foster-Johnson.
April 1997
- Cost Models For Sorting by Jon Bentley
- Network Blues by Steven Baker
May 1997
- What Is Processor Cache Worth by David Wilson
- Getting Rid Of Disk I/O Bottlenecks by Bruce Naegel
- Sources For UNIX-Related Books by Richard Morin.
June 1997
- Find Files Fast by Andrew Binstock and Ralph Barker.
- Faster And Faster And Faster Yet by Jon Bentley
July 1997
- ICMP Router Discovery Protocol by William LeFebvre
August 1997
- File-System Organization by William LeFebvre
September 1997
- Trick Hackers With TCP Wrappers by Petra Hahnke.
- NFS And Network Performance On UNIX by Steven Baker.
- The Secure Shell by William LeFebvre.
- The GIMP Toolkit by Kevin Reichard and Eric Foster-Johnson.
October 1997
- What's New With Tcl? by John K. Ousterhout.
- Sharing Memory With Memory-Mapped Files by Tom Scheiber.
- Logging Logins by William LeFebvre.
- Working With The System by Jon Bentley.
November 1997
- Network Traffic Management by John Feldeier
- Simply syslog by William LeFebvre.
- OpenGL Wrappers by Kevin Reichard and Eric Foster-Johnson.
December 1997
- Proper Subnetting by William LeFebvre.
- Long Common Strings by Jon Bentley.
January 1998
- The New BIND by William LeFebvre.
- Titled Programs by Kevin Reichard and Eric Foster-Johnson.
February 1998
- Secure That Web Server by Paul Helinski.
- Environmental Controls by William LeFebvre
March 1998
- Renumbering IP by Steven Baker.
- Keeping Time With NTP by William LeFebvre.
April 1998
- DNS Serial Numbers by William LeFebvre.
- CORBA's Comeback by Norton Greenfeld
May 1998
- Revision Control For System Administrators by William LeFebvre.
- The Apache HTTP Server by Kevin Reichard.
June 1998
- Fast Ethernet Essentials by William LeFebvre.
July 1998
- Emerging Virtual Private Networks by Kevin Reichard .
- Three Fabless by William LeFebvre.
- Icons Of Progress by Eric Foster-Johnson.
- Retooling With Classless Inter-Domain Routing by Larry Bennett.
August 1998
- Sendmail and Spam by William LeFebvre.
September 1998
- Kerberos: A Secure Passprt by Joseph Salowey.
- Threaded Programs by William LeFebvre.
October 1998
- Permissions and Access Control Lists by William LeFebvre.
November 1998
- LDAP: The Glue is Almost Set by Steven Baker.
- Implementing LDAP: Namespace Considerations by Timothy Hahn.
- Network Design and Routing by William LeFebvre.
- Programming Resources by Eric Foster-Johnson.
December 1998
- Root Access by William LeFebvre.
- Layer 3 And 4 Switching by Mary Petrosky.
January 1999
- Packages by William LeFebvre.
- Editing Widgets by Eric Foster-Johnson.
February 1999
- Partial DNS Delegation by William LeFebvre.
March 1999
- Old workstations never die by Brian Jepson.
- The case of the secret server by Michael A. Salsburg.
- An introduction to the fiber channel by Edwin Lee.
- Measuring and changing system performance by William LeFebvre.
April 1999
- RAID! by Tom Yager
- Monitoring router traffic with MRTG by William LeFebvre.
- Network Security by Kevin Reichard
May 1999
- RAID Again by Tom Yager.
June 1999
- DNS Protocol Enhancements by William LeFebvre .
July 1999
- Automatic IP Address Configuration by William LeFebvre.
- Mulitprotocol Label Switching by Mary Petrosky.
- A Bookshelf For The Internet Age by Eric Foster-Johnson.
August 1999
- On Names by William LeFebvre.
- MPLS Needs Time To Bloom by Mary Petrosky.
- The Missing Symlink by Randal Schwartz .
October 1999
- Regular Expressions by William LeFebvre
November 1999
- Internet Black Holes by William LeFebvre.
- High-Definition X Color by Eric Foster-Johnson.
December 1999
- The Top UNIX Moments of the Century
- Load Balancing with DNS by William LeFebvre.